Oftentimes the star of the show, our Tasty Bits such as our popular Chicken Liver and 'Further Processed' Ground Chicken are always handled with care. Well cleaned and properly packaged, we have many of the 'bits' that you’re looking for.  However, we will stop you in your tracks and quickly mention that unfortunately, we do not have Chicken Feet and Isaw in stock.  Sorry, folks.

Chef Grill Tip:  Let your chicken sit out for 15-30 minutes before you begin your grill session. Bringing your chicken up to room temperature will keep your chicken juicy during the cooking process.

About Our Farms:  Our broiler and layer farms are located all throughout Luzon.  We raise only one thing on our farms, ALL-NATURAL grain-fed chicken.  So, you can be sure that our farmers are focusing on raising only the best all-natural chicken in town!   
